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Analyses Temporelles de la Diversité Bêta des Charançons au Panama
Marc-Antoine Poulin, Pierre Legendre, Colin Favret
The initial temporal analyses of a weevil community in Panama with over a decade of abundance data collected in the Barro Colorado Island Forest. This forest has been extensively studied over the last 50 years, allowing us to access extensive records of the abiotic and biotic history of the sites. A decline in overall abundance of weevils across the years indicates that ecological processes are driving losses throughout time. Elucidating some of these processes is vital to accurately portray how this community is evolving. Decomposing diversity to each site’s local contribution to beta diversity allows us to create LCBD indices to find significant sites in time relative to their contribution. Temporal beta diversity indices reveal that the losses of species outpaced the introduction of new ones in the overall dissimilarity between months. By comparing the directionality of months with community trajectory analysis, trends over time hint at disturbances in seasonality as a lead driver of community composition changes. Overall, the periods surrounding the start and end of both the dry and wet season were the most affected by changes.